Lithos is a fantastic general-use texture pack, perfectly suited to just about any purpose. It’s a part of the very popular double-resolution default-inspired segment of texture packs – but Lithos manages to stand out amongst its competitors for daring to stray from the default look much more than others. It still feels familiar when coming from default – you certainly won’t be mistaking any blocks, and the color pallet is overall very familiar. However, unlike Faithful and various others, it adds its own unmistakable flair to the default look rather than being a straight upscale, and many textures will be distinctly new. This means it won’t be boring: it will freshen up the look of the game, without changing things too drastically.
This texture pack, however, does more than simply adding resolution. It somehow manages to both add detail thanks to its increased resolution, while also giving the game a cleaner look. This is accomplished through smooth, low-contrast textures and a light color pallet. This combination of factors means that Lithos is perhaps of the best options for playing in Survival mode, where you don’t want to be distracted by over-the-top graphics. It’s subtle, refined, and doesn’t get in the way. As such, it comes as one of our top recommendations for general use.
Image Gallery
The following screenshots are the texture pack's official promo images. Source: CurseForge

General Information
Release Date:
May 29, 2013
Game Version:
Java Edition
Other Game Versions:
Bedrock Edition (paid)
Default, Clean
Blocks, items, entities, UI
Additional Features:
Texture variation
Texture Pack Comparison Tool
Our comparison tool allows you to directly compare a variety of texture packs side-by-side, with or without shaders.
Choose two texture packs to compare.

How to Install
Download the texture pack file using one of the author's official download pages linked above.
Open Minecraft, then navigate to Options > Resource Packs > Open Resource Pack Folder.
This will open a folder. Move the downloaded texture pack file into that folder.
Back in Minecraft, select and apply your new pack in the Resource Packs menu.
Required: None
Recommended: OptiFine
Other Versions
Bedrock Edition (Minecraft Marketplace, paid)