Mythic is one not only beautiful and unique, but one of the highest quality, most finely crafted texture packs we have seen. It does not set out to make the world realistic, or to improve the default textures – instead, it has its own stylized vision for what Minecraft could be - that being dark, gritty, and fantasy - and it executes this vision flawlessly. It’s twice the resolution of default, at 32x – a good balance for still having a pixelated look, but with more detail than default.
The most obvious change is the color pallet – it’s warm, dark, and rich, which makes the default game feel lifeless by comparison. However it’s not cluttered or busy feeling – it doesn’t get in the way, and is therefore a good option for survival. It has a distinctly fantasy vibe, with stylized rustic textures that would complement epic fantasy well. It’s clear that a lot of effort went into the textures – they feel very cohesive. Many of the textures take unique and unexpected approaches, which is fun to look at when playing – it almost makes it feel like a whole new game.
This texture pack is undoubtedly one of the best packs in the fantasy genre, and one of the most finely crafted packs overall. It comes highly recommended.
Image Gallery
The following screenshots are the texture pack's official promo images. Source: CurseForge

General Information
Release Date:
Oct 5, 2019
Game Version:
Java Edition
Other Game Versions:
Bedrock Edition (paid)
Blocks, items, entities, UI
Additional Features:
Custom mob models
Texture Pack Comparison Tool
Our comparison tool allows you to directly compare a variety of texture packs side-by-side, with or without shaders.
Choose two texture packs to compare.

How to Install
Download the texture pack file using one of the author's official download pages linked above.
Open Minecraft, then navigate to Options > Resource Packs > Open Resource Pack Folder.
This will open a folder. Move the downloaded texture pack file into that folder.
Back in Minecraft, select and apply your new pack in the Resource Packs menu.
Other Versions
Bedrock Edition (Minecraft Marketplace, paid)